Tech Talk: k0s: Yet Another Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution? (Dec 10) | Save My Seat
[ { "name": "Déployer en self-service des clusters Kubernetes adaptés à vos standards", "created_at": "2024-11-26T11:09:22.483Z", "published_at": "2024-11-26T11:20:00.605Z", "alternates": [], "id": 585131059, "uuid": "71eea1a3-a55a-443e-844d-75f209f39fce", "content": { "seo": { "_uid": "e62a9355-ad8f-4914-a9d5-844de325e8cc", "title": "Déployer en self-service des clusters Kubernetes adaptés à vos standards", "plugin": "seo_metatags", "og_image": "", "og_title": "", "description": "Docker. Kubernetes. Dix ans déjà que ces technologies révolutionnent notre industrie, mais nombreux sont les utilisateurs qui se confrontent à des soucis d'échelle", "twitter_image": "", "twitter_title": "", "og_description": "", "twitter_description": "" }, "_uid": "145ab837-546d-417e-85f4-1741efaed1cd", "content": [ { "seo": { "_uid": "601825ac-bebb-4cc9-b068-6c52dc073a5d", "title": "", "plugin": "seo_metatags", "og_image": "", "og_title": "", "description": "", "twitter_image": "", "twitter_title": "", "og_description": "", "twitter_description": "" }, "_uid": "80169a42-ad1d-4cde-9dca-3d456c22e3c4", "body": [], "image": { "id": 18710841, "alt": "", "name": "", "focus": "", "title": "", "source": "", "filename": "", "copyright": "", "fieldtype": "asset", "meta_data": {}, "is_external_url": false }, "comm_id": "631298", "no_index": false, "component": "cloud_webinar", "channel_id": "18604", "start_date": "2025-01-14 14:00", "description": { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "text": "Docker. 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This talk explores k0s, a CNCF-compliant Kubernetes distribution celebrated for its lightweight, easy-to-maintain design. We will examine k0s's architecture, emphasizing its minimal dependencies and simplified management, which includes a single-binary setup process.", "twitter_image": "", "twitter_title": "", "og_description": "", "twitter_description": "" }, "_uid": "145ab837-546d-417e-85f4-1741efaed1cd", "content": [ { "seo": { "_uid": "601825ac-bebb-4cc9-b068-6c52dc073a5d", "title": "", "plugin": "seo_metatags", "og_image": "", "og_title": "", "description": "", "twitter_image": "", "twitter_title": "", "og_description": "", "twitter_description": "" }, "_uid": "80169a42-ad1d-4cde-9dca-3d456c22e3c4", "body": [], "image": { "id": 17870362, "alt": "", "name": "", "focus": "", "title": "", "source": "", "filename": "", "copyright": "", "fieldtype": "asset", "meta_data": {}, "is_external_url": false }, "comm_id": "628864", "no_index": false, "component": "cloud_webinar", "channel_id": "18604", "start_date": "2024-12-10 14:00", "description": { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "text": "As Kubernetes dominates container orchestration, its complexity and resource demands drive interest in lighter alternatives. 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