Tech Talk: Beat Back the Babble: Best Cloud Native Languages to Treat Infra as Code (Aug 13)   |   Save My Seat

Tech Talk: Beat Back the Babble: Best Cloud Native Languages to Treat Infra as Code (Aug 13)   |   Save My Seat

Crossplane: Unifying Cloud Service Provisioning and Management

In an increasingly multi-cloud world, managing and provisioning resources across cloud providers can be a complex task. Crossplane, an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) project, transforms the multi-cloud landscape by enabling unified service provisioning and management. 

In this Tech Talk, Julian Hennig and Martin Nirtl explore Crossplane's design and operation, demonstrating its ability to orchestrate cloud services seamlessly, irrespective of the provider. We'll explore how Crossplane… 

  • Enables developers to define and compose cloud services directly from Kubernetes, offering a universal control plane 

  • Can be effectively managed using Lens, the Kubernetes IDE, and used to create and handle OpenStack resources 

  • Empowers developers to model complex applications and infrastructure as manageable, declarative configurations 

Join us to learn how you can leverage Crossplane in conjunction with Lens and OpenStack—to simplify cloud service management and foster a more efficient and scalable multi-cloud strategy.




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