Tech Talk: Beat Back the Babble: Best Cloud Native Languages to Treat Infra as Code (Aug 13)   |   Save My Seat

Tech Talk: Beat Back the Babble: Best Cloud Native Languages to Treat Infra as Code (Aug 13)   |   Save My Seat

GitOps: Automatic Deployments and Updates with Flux

If the number of companies leveraging GitOps – especially those with experienced platform teams – is to be believed, GitOps can be revolutionary in how a company manages its workloads. It manages the automation to deploy and manage the lifecycle of workloads and applies pre-defined infrastructure and application code deployments from a Git repository to any Kubernetes cluster in an automated fashion.

But is that it? Can we make GitOps even better? Yes. We can use Flux to streamline deployments and management with a Git-based workflow. 

In this webinar, you'll see:

  • What Flux is and why you'd want to use it.

  • The relative benefits of push- and pull-based GitOps approaches and their pros and cons.

  • A demonstration of Flux installation and how to use it to manage the deployment of a simple application to a Kubernetes cluster.

Join Julian Hennig on March 7, 2023 at 11am CET.




Senior Solutions Architect GSA Pre-Sales
