Tech Talk: Beat Back the Babble: Best Cloud Native Languages to Treat Infra as Code (Aug 13)   |   Save My Seat

Tech Talk: Beat Back the Babble: Best Cloud Native Languages to Treat Infra as Code (Aug 13)   |   Save My Seat

Kubernetes CI/CD with GitLab and ArgoCD

GitOps has emerged as an essential process as organizations evaluate frameworks to optimize CI/CD on Kubernetes. Git repositories are used as a source of truth to deliver infrastructure and applications. GitOps offers teams well-documented improvements in productivity, security, and compliance, which ultimately translate into a better experience for the user. All changes to code are tracked, making updates easy while providing version control and rollbacks.

In this Tech Talk, Sugesh and Prathis provide you with the skills to understand -

  • Basic of GitOps framework

  • Introduction to ArgoCD (One of the popular Open-Source GitOps tools out there)

  • CICD Pipeline walkthrough

  • A demo showcasing the end-to-end CICD process

You'll walk away from this talk with the fundamentals of GitOps, ArgoCD, and CICD process using GitOps framework.




DevOps Engineer




DevOps Engineer
