Tech Talk: Demystifying Kubernetes: Effortless Management with Lens (September 10)   |   Save My Seat

Tech Talk: Demystifying Kubernetes: Effortless Management with Lens (September 10)   |   Save My Seat

Kyverno - Deep Dive (part 2)

Kyverno has been accepted as a CNCF Incubation project, and currently has over 3.3K stars on GitHub and 1B+ image pulls, making it one of the leading open source policy engines. In our previous session, we talked about the What, Why, and How of Kyverno. Now, taking a step further, Kyverno maintainer Chip Zoller will take us through the next step. Chip will discuss:

How to benefit from the newer features in the latest Kyverno 1.9 release such as PolicyException, and Cleanup policies

How you can truly shift security left by leveraging Kyverno to secure your entire software supply chain

How to use Kyverno CLI in your CI/CD pipeline

Now to be sure of what's happening with policies for attesting and verifying manifests and some of the industry Best Practices.

Join Chip Zoller on February 21, 2023 at 12pm ET.




Technical Product Manager
