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Mirantis Spring OpenStack Summit Proposals, Part 2

Nick Chase - February 25, 2014

On Friday we brought you part 1, a selection of proposals Mirantis is putting forward for the Spring OpenStack Summit in Atlanta, along with a complete list of titles.  Today we wanted to share more details on some of those additional titles.  We'll be posting the rest of the list tomorrow, but if you're impatient, please feel free to review the list and get more information from the "Read More and Vote"  link for each topic.

Here's today's selection:

  • Beyond deployment: moving up the stack to Application Management (Georgy Okrokvertskhov) - After you’ve installed OpenStack and Infrastructure as a Service, the next question becomes “ How do we get some applications to use with it?” The the Orchestration program (Heat) offers an answer to this question. Heat offers application deployment and other projects. Solum and Murano also offer application deployment and other projects as well. After attending this talk, you will know how to use Heat for deployment, how to use deployment tools at a higher level of abstraction (for example, in Solum and Murano), and how to use third-party deployment tools such as Chef and Puppet. (Read More and Vote)
  • Application Catalog -- Three Facets of Managing OpenStack Workloads (Alex Freedland, Ignor Marnat) - How do we manage our OpenStack workloads? Application catalogs help us manage our OpenStack workloads by using multiple cloud platforms. One example of Application Catalogs helping us manage workloads is by serving as an integration point for distribution of applications in the clouds. Another way is by being a central repository of certified apps. And last, Application Catalogs can serve as a type of social network. After attending this session, you will have a better understanding of the possibilities of the Application Catalog, and how it can be used both inside your organization and in OpenStack in general. (Read More and Vote)

  • Scaling Out OpenStack Clouds in the Enterprise (Boris Renski, Kenneth Hui, Jese Proudman, Manju Ramanathpura) - At this panel discussion we will discuss will discuss our experience deploying and managing scale-out OpenStack data center environments.  The panel will also discuss current operational challenges and where there are opportunities for OpenStack to improve. Once you attend this presentation you be able to discuss software and hardware architectures, which applications are best suited for cloud environments, why scaling out is a good or bad idea (as well as the advantages and disadvantages), challenges encountered on the software AND hardware side, lessons learned, and best practices for future deployments. (Read More and Vote)

  • Ready for OpenStack? What to Do When You Are and They’re Not (Dmitriy Novakovskiy) - OpenStack can be well suited to any company, even if they're not an IT company -- as long as they approach it properly.  In this talk, we'll discuss some of the things that companies need to know in order to make the best use of OpenStack.  We'll discuss topics such as how to assess your comfort level for the technologies necessary to succeed.  Do you have dedicated resources?  Do you need them?  Do you have a DevOps culture inside your organization, or do you prefer software that comes in a box? How do you re-engineer your business processes to account for things specific to OpenStack today, such as keeping up with the rapid rate of change, staying in touch with the Community, and a readiness to handle “surprises” and invest in closing gaps.  After you attend this talk, you’ll know how to lay the groundwork for your OpenStack implementation and avoid some of the most common sources of disappointment. (Read More and Vote)

  • How to deploy 200 nodes in less than 1200 seconds and live to talk about it (Piotr Siwczak) - Many people have scaled OpenStack on a whiteboard. At least as many people have used the same whiteboard to conclude that OpenStack can’t scale. As it turns out, the best way to scale OpenStack is in the real world with real servers and real networks.  In this talk, we’ll outline a practical, step-by-step method for configuring and provisioning a 200-node OpenStack cluster, using Fuel. Using a fully-functional physical infrastructure, we broke through very real bottlenecks in Openstack defaults and in tooling (the proof of a real bottleneck is that when you resolve it, it exposes the next bottleneck). In addition, we will enumerate typical mistakes and pitfalls. (Read More and Vote)

  • Climate, a Resource Reservation Service for OpenStack (Sylvain Bauza, Dina Belova) - For the use case of a large internal private cloud shared among a wide range of users, we definitely need to think about reserving resources. In other words, who gets to use what and when, and how do you make sure that your cloud won't suddenly run out of resources, such as floating IP's, compute and storage hosts with certain properties, and so on. Climate is born from the idea of being able to reserve any type of OpenStack resources, either now or in the far future, in a predictable way, and we really believe that this project will help make OpenStack clouds more flexible and manageable. In this presentation we’ll go through different reservation concepts provided by this leasing service, the current features, and the roadmap for future phases of the project. Also, we’ll present a demonstration of how Climate can help you with your resource reservation needs. (Read More and Vote)

  • Unified Guest Agent for OpenStack (Sergey Lukjanov, Dmitry Mescheryakov)  - The number of PaaS solutions for OpenStack is growing, with Trove (DataBase aaS), Savanna (Data Processing), Murano (Application Catalog), and Solum for a start. What they all have in common is the need to perform actions 'inside' VMs in order to provision the services they supply. This talk will explain the Unified Guest Agent proposal. The Unified Guest Agent proposal has a number of different advantages, including similar configuration, a shared messaging system and common code and practices. (Read More and Vote)

  • Politics vs. Engineering Balance in Services Migration and Integration (Vladimir Kozhukalov) - What do you do when you have an existing user base counting on you, and you want to change to an entirely new system for doing things? It is not so easy to join Openstack when you already have a working application (maybe even a 24x7 application) and a group of customers who rely on you. Often, from the engineering point of view, the easiest course is to create a new application (or feature) from scratch that implements the same functionality as your old one, but this is rarely possible in the real world. Yet it is extremely important to provide your customers with some kind of service security. If you want your customers to be loyal, you need to move gradually. This is particularly important when moving to a cloud environment, because cloud environments assume that the user's applications are resilient, but most legacy applications, such as LAMP apps, are not; and that can mean huge investments in re-implementation.  At the end of this talk, attendees will have a good idea of what to look out for in a gradual transition to OpenStack, and how to accomplish it with a minimum of disruption. (Read More and Vote)

  • OpenStack distributions: Do we really need them? (Dmitriy Novakovskiy) - Lots of people build private clouds with OpenStack these days, and more will begin in the near future. One of the primary questions to answer before getting your hands dirty is: “Where will you consume OpenStack from?” It’s only been a few years, and a number of options are already available: A) you can consume stable releases from the Community Trunk, B) you can rely on a vendor to provide you with an OpenStack distro, or C) you can wait for the Community to produce “vanilla” packages/images and deployment framework. Yes, we all track TripleO and wait for it to solve all our problems. But will it ever happen, and if so, how soon? Will it be flexible and robust enough to meet your goals? And again, what about support? In this summit talk, we’ll discuss the key ideas and trade-offs of each option, and look at the risks and things you need to keep track of after a decision is made.  (Read More and Vote)

  • The state of OpenStack Data Processing: Savanna, now and in Juno (Sergey Lukjanov) - The Savanna project, which is under the OpenStack Data Processing program, provides users the ability to provision and manage Hadoop clusters on OpenStack, and has seen a great deal of progress, development, and changes during the Icehouse development cycle. Two of the primary uses of the Savanna project are: on-demand cluster provisioning and on-demand Hadoop task execution (Elastic Data Processing). After attending this session, you will have a good understanding for where Savanna is now and where it’s going, particularly with regard to the Unified Agent approach, on which we’re currently working on leveraging in Savanna. (Read More and Vote)
  • Technical Deep Dive: Big Data computations using Elastic Data Processing in OpenStack Cloud (Sergey Lukjanov and Alexander Ignatov) - The Savanna project provides users the ability to provision and manage Hadoop clusters on OpenStack, and has seen a great deal of progress, development, and changes during the Icehouse development cycle.  The focus of the project is on two primary use cases: on-demand cluster provisioning, and on-demand Hadoop tasks execution (Elastic Data Processing). When you attend this presentation you will understand more about EDP (Elastic Data Processing). (Read More and Vote)

  • MagnetoDB: An Openstack NoSQL Database Service (Ilya Sviridov) - When it comes to data storage and retrieval needs, relying on MySQL and Oracle is the way to go. However, these traditional databases typically don’t scale well horizontally, and they can present performance and operational challenges.  MagnetoDB, a new Openstack project, is a horizontally scaling database service that provides large-scale storage, indexing, and querying of table data. MagnetoDB is designed to work for high load applications, and across geographically distributed data centers with load balancing and fault tolerance in mind. In this presentation we will discuss topics such as the API, underlying NoSQL technologies, designing for high load and scale applications, and deployment options. (Read More and Vote)

  • Openstack DBaaS Trove: MySQL Replication Overview (Denis Makogon) - Databases running in single instance mode have a set of limitations dictated by the environment in which it's installed, primarily related to read/write operations. Accordingly, due to high data load our application requirements cannot always be met with database single instances.  Replication allows us to deal with those limitations by improving database performance for certain tasks. After attending this talk you will be familiar with Trove replication architecture, common use cases for given replication topology presets, and replications management in Trove. (Read More and Vote)

  • Sorting Fact From Fiction in Planning Your OpenStack SDN Strategy (Greg Elkinbard) - Compute has settled down, storage is coming along. But even on a good day, networking is the wild west of the cloud world. There are many SDN solutions and picking the right one can make or break your cloud strategy. In this talk, we'll discuss the structure and limitations of traditional networking, cloud computing's specific networking needs, how OpenStack implements SDN, what capabilities are offered by what vendors, the pros and cons of different types of SDN, and how to choose the most appropriate type of SDN. (Read More and Vote)

  • The Ultimate Hybrid Cloud (Nick Chase) - Imagine an OpenStack cloud where anyone can contribute resources, and anyone can consume them.  Such a cloud could have virtually limitless resources, and could be completely decentralized, just as the internet itself was meant to be.  Those who contribute resources could get paid based on the use of those resources, and users could pay for both resources and applications based on usage, not ownership.  The truth is that even if this scenario isn't practical today, the seeds for all of this functionality already exists in OpenStack.  This talk is a thought experiment meant to start a discussion about just what is possible.  (Read More and Vote)

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