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OpenStack Silicon Valley Featured Track: Planning Your Agile Deployment

Samuel Lee - September 08, 2014

Over these final few weeks leading up to OpenStack Silicon Valley, we will be featuring the 4 different tracks of the show, which will take place once the keynote speeches have ended. Today’s track: Planning Your Agile Deployment.

It’s obvious that agile infrastructure is fundamentally different from traditional enterprise architectures. What’s perhaps less obvious is how to plan for building agile infrastructure.

The OpenStack Silicon Valley “Planning Your Agile Deployment” track pulls no punches in examining four critical questions to consider as you plan your agile infrastructure deployment. The track begins with the deployment approach: tooling and the architectural approach to bootstrapping OpenStack at scale. Next, the track talks about the real-world tradeoffs between consuming trunk and consuming a distro. A conversation about architecting for hybrid cloud deals with the critical questions of API, architecture, and network decisions. Finally, the track concludes with a session on the fast-evolving technologies of platforms and containers, looking at how your choice of app dev platform approach impacts your infrastructure choices, and vice versa.

Participants will leave this track ready to help their organizations understand the advantages and tradeoffs to consider when planning an agile infrastructure deployment powered by OpenStack.

The Planning Your Agile Deployment track will be divided into 4 sessions:

Session 1: Deployment Approach

The first session of this track starts with basic questions about about deployment tooling and the architectural approach to bootstrapping a large-scale datacenter hosting OpenStack clouds. We’ll look at image-based bootstrapping choices such as Crowbar (the first open source OpenStack-focused deployment framework) and TripleO (OpenStack on OpenStack). We’ll compare these with script-based bootstrapping options such as Puppet and Chef. If you want to understand the basic differences between these deployment approaches, this session is designed to tell you what you need to know.


Session 2: CI/CD, Consuming Trunk and the Allure of Distros

Before deploying agile infrastructure powered by OpenStack, there’s a big decision to make: Do I consume trunk code, or do I use a supported distro? This session looks at the freedom and responsibilities of consuming trunk, comparing these with the security and speed of consuming a distro. We’ll look at how CI/CD works, both in the OpenStack community and how it applies to what you’ll be doing in-house if you choose to consume trunk.We’ll also look at consuming supported distros, including the safety and speed they offer, versus the flexibility limitations and relatively higher lock in you must accept. With a distro, you’re allowing a vendor to manage the CI/CD responsibilities, but the freedom of building precisely the agile cloud infrastructure you want may be worth the responsibilities of maintaining code and documentation. Or, you might be better served with a distro, accepting higher lock in and rigidity in exchange for speed and lack of responsibility for maintaining continuous integration and deployment. We’ll help you make that call.


Session 3: Hybrid Cloud and OpenStack

The ability to span workloads across public and private infrastructure has many advantages. The technical challenges to overcome in making this an operational reality are, however, substantial. In this session, we look at agile infrastructure planning considerations when hybrid cloud is the goal. We’ll look at APIs, architecture, networking models, colo selection, behavioral compatibility and other questions you need to address in order for your hybrid deployment to deliver the performance and economics your apps and app devs expect.


Session 4: Platforms, Containers, or Something Else

PaaS options like Pivotal’s Cloud Foundry and Red Hat’s OpenShift and container technologies like Docker are all working toward the same end: freeing developers to focus on code rather than infrastructure while making it possible to run apps on different infrastructures without retooling. This session focuses on how organizations are using platform and container technologies to improve agility.Check out this session to understand the differences between Docker (“the OpenStack of containers”) and PaaS. We’ll also take a look at Murano, an OpenStack Project that provides an application catalog for app devs and cloud admins to publish various cloud-ready applications in a browsable categorized catalog.


Don’t miss out on OpenStack Silicon Valley and its incredible lineup of speakers – register today!

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