See the Mirantis talks from Paris OpenStack Summit on video
For those of you who didn't have a chance to travel to Paris or attend the 20+ presentations that we took part in, we've curated a quick list of videos of those presentations (produced by the OpenStack Foundation) below.
- Ask the Experts: OpenStack as a Distribution or as a Service? | Boris Renski
- Building Telco-Grade Cloud Services with OpenStack at Orange | Frank Weyns
- Evaluating Vendors and Drivers in OpenStack Deployments with Rally and OSProfiler | Boris Pavlovic
- Fireside Chat: Getting VCs to Believe Your OpenStack Story | Adrian Ionel
- Glance Artifacts: It's Not Just for Images Any More | Alexander Tivelkov
- How Do I Get My Hardware OpenStack Ready? | Shawn O’Connor
- How to Take the CI/CD Plunge or How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love the Bomb
- How We Fought for OpenStack HA | Vladimir Kuklin
- MySQL and OpenStack Deep Dive | Jay Pipes
- OpenStack and vSphere/vCenter: Best Practices for "Classic" Enterprise and Cloud-Ready Apps | Dmitriy Novakovskiy, Evgeniya Shumakher
- OpenStack Community Metrics by Stackalytics | Herman Narkaytis, Ilya Shakhat
- Panel: Four Years In | Jay Pipes
- Panel: Experience with OpenStack in Telco Infrastructure Transformation | Boris Renski
- Panel: Open Source OpenStack Provisioning Tools: What, Why and How? | Boris Renski
- Workloads Migration and Rolling Upgrades of OpenStack Clouds | Oleg Gelbukh
- Resiliency and Performance engineering for OpenStack at Enterprise Scale | Jason Venner, Nathan Trueblood
- Rethinking Ceilometer Metric Storage with Gnocchi: Time-series as a Service | Dina Belova
- Designing for Scale: Data Storage in OpenStack | Jay Pipes
- Tales from the Ship: Navigating the OpenStack Community Seas
- The OpenStack Thunderdome | Alex Freedland
- Using Heat and Other Tools to Deploy Highly Available Environments | Polina Petriuk
- Walk on water: 20 stepping stones to reach Production OpenStack Cloud (for Execs, PMs, and Architects) | Anandeep Pannu, Christian Huebner, Rikard Kjellberg