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Virtual Private Cloud

Jim Phillips - May 16, 2014

The path to the Private Cloud without million-dollar investment

Are you interested in flexible and automated IT solution, which offer more than virtualization? Don´t you want to lose control over your IT infrastructure or even share it with others in public cloud? Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is provided by the Technology Centre in Písek and it brings new way of providing IT services in an environment of open and complex cloud platforms, whilst preserving the private character of the solution and without massive investment in infrastructure.


Virtual Private Cloud offers the best of both worlds

Virtual Private Cloud represents an interesting alternative for the standard format of public and private cloud solutions, which currently offers most of providers in the market. Public clouds are highly flexible and easily available, but they are also expensive for large projects and inflexible in case of extensive integration. Another disadvantage is the limited control of infrastructure and movement of your data. They are also problematic from security perspective. But then, Private Cloud offers a clear localization, high security and large measure of control. Often it´s a very expensive solution, difficult to implement and ongoing service. Virtual Private Cloud offers quality and guarantee of private solutions including maximum flexibility and availability. All through Pay-Per-Use Services.


 The Automation and Orchestration

VPC services are available through an intuitive web-based environment, which offers easy service and full control over the operating infrastructure. At the same time, it offers the possibility to use the REST API, which allows you to control all functions remotely through command line.  So, you can control IT infrastructure from your website, or from specific business application. You can integrate specific IT activities into the corporate workflow or create an IT services intranet catalog available not only to IT users.


 Open Architecture reduces vendor lock-in

Large increase in Private Cloud solutions register open source technologies such as OpenStack, which offers extensive functionality without license fees. Even so, here is maturely professional solution, which proves a number of important references from around the world. OpenStack is deployed, for example, in a number of great commercial companies such as PayPal, Bloomberg, Rackspace, HP or Best Buy. It´s used also for research and development companies such as NASA, CERN, ARGONNE or NECTAR. Availability and openness of these new cloud technologies allows customers to use a wide range of virtualization technologies, support an easy migration of existing IT into data centers and brings independence to the resulting virtual infrastructure in the future (prevents vendor lock-in).


 Private solutions without investment

Virtual Private Cloud is a service, it doesn´t force you to invest in building your own private cloud infrastructure. You pay only for real used resources, which have your team fully under control. Through the administration interface, your IT specialists can manage not just the virtual servers and storages, but also network infrastructure including safety features such as routers and firewall in one environment. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allow to create logically isolated areas in terms of cloud platform TCP, in which you can use computing and data resources, including your own virtual networks. You have complete control over the virtual network environment, you can use your own rage of IP addresses, create subnet and set routing tables and networks gateways.

With support for software-defined networking (SDN) you can easily customize network infrastructure in your private cloud. For your web servers, you can create a public subnetwork to connect to the internet and backend systems such as databases, or application servers leave in safe of subnetwork without access to internet. SDN offers several levels of security. For example, security groups or virtual firewalls with your own security rules to control the access to the VPC instances in each subnetwork.

With orchestration tools Head can be most operation automated, it distinctly simplifies control and reduces the number of traditional IT processes from days to minutes.  Reaction rate of IT department to user requests significantly increase. Also flexibility of the entire system, whose scope you can change according to changing needs of your current users or applications.


 Private cloud services require also private access to customers

The transition to the private cloud is strategic decision that affects all areas of the company, requires thorough preparation and support of an experienced team with senior knowledge. Providers of public cloud services are specialized primarily to ensure the operation of theirs own public cloud platforms. Private use requires preparedness of platform, for example, for migration of complex infrastructure, support hybrid solutions based on customer´s infrastructure (investment protection) or integration with customer´s enterprise systems. All this requires different competencies of implementation team on the side of provider, deep knowledge of the cloud platform and its openness.

Successful projects doesn´t end in migration itself, but it requires close coordination between service provider team and the customer´s technical team, and advanced monitoring of services that provides information about current state of your infrastructure.


Professional service available worldwide

Cloud Team from Technology Centre Písek is for several years specialized only in the area of private cloud solutions and expert integrated systems for corporate IT departments, ICT service providers, data centers, telecommunication operators and technology integrators.

Though collaboration with academic partners, open platform OpenStack and many other verified open source technologies, we are able to offer not only the necessary flexibility, but also a positive relationship between prince and output.

Partnership agreements with RedHat and the largest implementer of private cloud solutions built on OpenStack technology, Mirantis, allow us to offer certified training of customer´s technical team on OpenStack technology and global best service support for these open technologies.

If you are interested in Virtual Private Cloud technology, please contact our cloud team.

Radovan Polanský

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