This Week in OpenStack:Now (March 31, 2014 – April 6, 2014)
As the community gears up to look forward with the release of Icehouse next week and the upcoming OpenStack Summit, RightScale has released it's 2014 State of the Cloud report, Mirantis strikes a history-making deal with Ericsson, and Cisco makes sure nobody forgets it's a hardware company.
Cloudy with a Chance of Hybrid: the 2014 State of the Cloud report
You can stop arguing over whether enterprises are ready for the cloud. According to Rightscale's 2014 State of the Cloud Survey, a whopping 94% of enterprises and SMBs are either running applications in the cloud or experimenting with Infrastructure-as-a-Service. As far as public or private, the answer is, increasingly, "yes"; 74% of enterprises are planning to use a hybrid cloud strategy, with OpenStack (and VMware) leading in private cloud (depending who you ask). Read the full story
Ericsson engages Mirantis in record-breaking OpenStack deal
Swedish communications technology and services provider giant Ericsson has signed a five-year software licensing deal with Mirantis that is worth a reported $30 million and is thought to be the largest OpenStack-related deal on record. The company plans to use OpenStack as the software foundation for the telecommunications network, internal data centers and cloud computing services that Ericsson will offer its customers. Read the full story
Is Cisco's plan to reverse SDN's advances with OpFlex?
Last week we reported on Cisco's $2 billion commitment to building the InterCloud. At the time, we speculated that it was Cisco's way of keeping its hand in as the world changed around it and headed for the Internet of Everything. This week we get a better look at Cisco's real game: turning Software Defined Networking (SDN) on its head and bringing control back to the hardware -- or is it? Read the full story
Red Hat
Essential Talks to Catch at OpenStack Summit Atlanta — Red Hat Open Source Community
OpenShift Origin community goes agile with GitHub and social coding |
Red Hat | Raising the Bar in Open Souce Capabilities: Cisco and Red Hat
As Cisco's SDN Focuses on Policy, Martin Casado Offers an Alternative
VMware: Price Tag versus OpenStack Immaterial, Says ISI - Tech Trader Daily -
Cisco, VMware take SDN battle to policy arena - Network World
The battle for enterprise cloud takes shape among AWS, OpenStack, VMware - The Troposphere
Attending the OpenStack Summit in May? Be Sure to ... - HP Enterprise Business Community
HP: New Style of IT Impossible Without Partners - Page: 1 | CRN
HP News - European Commission Selects HP to Drive Security for Data Sharing in the Cloud
Vendor Announcements
Aspera Drive Delivers Extreme File Sharing To The Desktop | Benzinga
Contract Manufacturer Jabil Sells Straight Into Hyperscale Datacenters
ElasticBox gets $9M funding from Nexus Venture Partners & Intel Capital - MediaNama
Sardina Systems Announces FishDirector for OpenStack Data Center Automation -
Storage Made Easy Blog » Blog Archive » OpenStack Swift Android App released
Commentary and Other News
“Open Network Linux” could boost viability of vendor-neutral switches | Ars Technica
Creating the Gold 'Standard' for Cloud Computing | Innovation Insights |
DevOps and OpenStack Disrupt the Enterprise | The Path To Open Hybrid Cloud
Enterprises slowly but steadily adopt open source storage software - Cloud News
IT Embracing the Cloud as Best Way to Deliver Value to Enterprises
Joerg's Storage Blog: Is 2014 the Year of Object Based Storage?
Keynote: OpenStack CoOpetition, A View from Within - YouTube
Open source cloud tools preferred, but IT skills, standards needed
Open source software and tools for the enterprise |
OpenStack in Asia – Where Business Agility Trumps Cost Savings | Linux
The key to moving to DevOps is adopting the open source way |
Trimming the fat in the cloud - Tech Opinion | The Star Online
What the latest cloud explosion really means | Cloud computing - InfoWorld
MBaaS, Cloud Computing and Architectures for Enterprise Mobility | Cloud Computing Journal
AusCERT - ESB-2014.0437 - [Linux][RedHat] OpenStack 3: Multiple vulnerabilities
Axetel Consulting | RHSA-2014:0364-1: Important: ruby193-libyaml security update
April 8, 2014, San Francisco, CA: OpenStack Trademark Update (DefCore)
April 9, 2014, Montreal, Canada: PyCon
April 9, 2014, Boston, MA: OpenStack Boston Meetup
April 10, 2014, San Francisco, CA: Webinar: Planning Your OpenStack Proof of Concept
April 10, 2014: Google+ Hangout: UForge Application Automation & Marketplace Platform - OpenStack Online Meetup (Mountain View, CA) - Meetup
April 12, 2014, Mumbai, India: OpenStack India Meetup
April 13th, 2014, San Francisco, CA: Gluster Community Announces Data Liberate: an Open Source Storage Hackathon & Mixer — Red Hat Open Source Community
April 14th-17th, 2014, San Francisco, CA: OpenStack Private Cloud: Accelerate Your ROI – Webcast – 2014-03-19 13:00:00 EDTRed Hat Summit,
April 17, 2014, Mountain View, CA: SFBay OpenStack Hackathon #OSSFO
April 17, 2014, Sunnyvale, CA: SFBay OpenStack
April 17, 2014: SFBay OpenStack Hackathon #OSSFO
April 17, 2014 Amsterdam, Netherlands: Icehouse Release Party!
April 17, 2014: Running OpenStack User Groups
April 22-23, 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa: SAFNOG
April 22, 2014, Columbia, MD: Red Hat OpenStack and OpenShift Seminar | Red Hat Services
April 26, 2014, Bangalore, India: OpenStack India Meetup
April 29, 2014, Mexico City, Mexico: OpenStack Day Mexico
April 29, 2014, Paris, France: OpenStack Paris Meetup
May 1st, 2014, Sunnyvale, CA: SFBay Meetup – Beginner track
May 1st, 2014: SFBay OpenStack Hackathon #OSSFO
May 5, 2014: OpenStack Networking With Neutron | ONUG
May 6, 2014, Webinar: Beyond Installation: Managing Your OpenStack Cloud – May 6 2014
May 9, 2014, Berlin, Germany: OpenStack DACH Day at LinuxTag 2014
May 12-16, 2014, Atlanta, GA: OpenStack Summit May 2014
May 21st, 2014, Boston, MA: OpenStack IceHouse and Juno releases, technical review, sponsored by Red Hat – Openstack Boston
June 10th-12th, 2014, San Francisco, CA: OpenStack Security Conclave – SFBay OpenStack (San Francisco, CA) – MeetupOpenStack and the Future of Computing | SYS-CON MEDIA
June 17 – 18, 2014, London, England: What do the ODCA, OpenStack, DCA, CSA predict on the future of Cloud
Community and Developer News
With just over a week until the release of OpenStack Icehouse, release candidates are starting to appear. It also means we're getting close to the next summit, and you know what that means: the OpenStack User survey! Don't forget to participate by April 11 to have your answers counted. The OpenStack Docs team is also looking for feedback on how to make that process easier, and if you're attending PyCon in Montreal (or even if you're not) you might want to consider participating in the Port OpenStack to Python 3 sprint. Finally, if you're involved in an open source project that's important to OpenStack, considering submitting a proposal to Open Source @ OpenStack Summit.
Companies contributing to Icehouse: preliminary results | Bitergia's blog
Migrating Wikimedia Labs to a new Data Center — Wikimedia blog
OpenStack at Mega-scale: Meetup, 2 April Wednesday - Pure Play OpenStack.
Participate in the OpenStack User Survey by April 11! » The OpenStack Blog
SSL/TLS Everywhere – visions of a secure OpenStack | Orderly Chaos
#vBrownBag at OpenStack Summit, first Sponsor | Professional OpenStack
Call for Proposals Open Source @ OpenStack Summit » The OpenStack Blog
Featured Tutorials
Developing with Cloud Images for Fun and Profit - Rackspace Developer Center
Create Windows stack using Heat Orchestration Template in Openstack ~ The Technology chronicle!!!
Howto Create A Minimal Viable OpenStack Deployment With Devstack In Your Local LAN
Public Key Document Signing for Oslo Messaging | Adam Young’s Web Log
You can also find additional tutorials here.