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Can you deploy OpenStack in an IPV6-only cloud?

Jodi Smith - November 13, 2015


In 2011, the last IPv4 address blocks were assigned from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which manages IP addresses globally, to the regional internet registrars (RIRS). For the next year or so, Europe, Asia, and Latin America continued to parcel out addresses that were already in their control, and in September, ARIN, the RIR responsible for North America, ran out of IPv4 addresses.
Thankfully, there’s no need to despair. IPv6, the next version of the IP protocol, is becoming more widely adopted, and yes, you can deploy an IPv6-only OpenStack cloud.
At the OpenStack Summit in Tokyo, Brian Haley and Sean Collins, software engineers at HP and Mirantis, discussed their work to deploy OpenStack with IPV6, some of the issues they found in their development and testing, and current efforts expected through the Mitaka cycle. Watch the video to learn more, and stay tuned to the blog as Sean kicks off our new series, "Guerilla OpenStack," with a group of blogs explaining how to create your own home OpenStack lab using IPv6.



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