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From Manufacturing to Climate Analytics: DockerCon speakers on real-world use cases

Staff - April 13, 2019
DockerCon brings industry leaders and experts of the container world to one event where they share their knowledge, experience and guidance. This year is no different. For the next few weeks, we’re going to highlight a few of our amazing speakers and the talks they will be leading.

In this third highlight, we have several speakers who will be sharing their real world Docker use cases and learnings.  These are the folks who have already put things in place and are here to share and inspire. Interested in transforming legacy applications? Or maybe large scale data analytics is your focus. Maybe you’re a software vendor – or have plans to be – and want to learn about containerizing your application. To learn more, register now to attend the session featuring real Docker users like you.

In case you missed them, check out our previous speaker highlights:

Transforming a 15+ Year Old Semiconductor Manufacturing Environment

More on Jeanie’s session here.

Jeanie Schwenk

Engineer, Scrum Master and Agile Project Manager at Jireh Semiconductor
What is your breakout about?

I was just starting to look at Docker at this time last year. Our company’s transformation journey hasn’t been a straightforward one, and we haven’t reached our final destination, yet, but we are well on our way. We started with numerous legacy software applications running on HP 9000 servers, which were new in 2001. Now, one by one, we’re moving over 230 applications that run the semiconductor factory into Docker containers.

Why should people go to your session?

You’re not alone in the problems you face in transitioning legacy application and legacy development processes. The chance to share and learn together – our roadblocks, solutions, and ideas – will help all of us have more impact.

What are you looking forward to the most at this DockerCon?
For me personally, the networking and learning opportunities are the draw. Being able to share our story and encourage others facing similar challenges is a rare opportunity.

CMD and Conquer: Containerizing the Monolith

More on Tony and Nelson’s session here.

Tony Lee
Software Engineer at Splunk

Nelson Wang
Sr Software Engineer at Splunk
What is your breakout about?

It is about Splunk’s journey to containerize its own on-prem software with tons of pre- and post-installation configurations. We’re going to discuss the strategy behind Splunk’s official Docker image, and how we captured some of the paradigms behind software containerization for the benefit of both external customers and internal engineering efforts.

Why should people attend your session?

“Migrating monolithic systems into a system of microservices is a simple, straightforward task” – No one ever.

Any journey that involves fundamentally changing the design of a software’s architecture will never be without some pain. Often times, it is a costly and expensive endeavor, and the full benefits cannot be reaped until the very end. At Splunk, the Infrastructure team took on the onerous task of figuring out how to make this transition more harmonious, bridging the gap between two different ideologies.

What are you looking forward to the most at this DockerCon?

Speaking and learning about how others use containers in their daily operation.

What is your favorite Docker Hub repo?

Obviously our own Splunk Docker Hub repo. Besides that, we enjoy using containerized nginxMongoDB, and Redis.

Towards Reproducible Climate Research

More on Aparna’s session here.

Aparna Radhakrishnan

Software Development Engineer at Engility
What is your breakout about?

We will draw a path towards reproducible research using Docker containers for massive data publishing and analytics. The scale and magnitude of computing and data have proven to increase significantly in the last decade, thus making data delivery methods to the world a herculean research problem by itself. In the case of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), this world of evolving responses with respect to climate creates an avalanche of effects in various sectors – agriculture, health, GDP, etc.  We will discuss some of the pioneering efforts from collaborators from other laboratories and organizations (such as ESGF, Google, NASA JPL, Columbia University, PMEL, etc.) in the area of Docker containers in computing and analysis on and off the cloud.

Why should people go to your session?

Although climate research is an entirely different theme, Docker is in use even here. Anyone that wonders what Docker is capable of should attend. Whether its inspiration-driven research or industrial-driven research, Dockers are relevant. I am not a Docker guru, but I could do it and so can you!

What are you looking forward to the most at this DockerCon?

Women speakers and the city of San Francisco!

Modern Orchestrated IT for Enterprise CMS: A Case Study for Wiley Education Service

Learn more about Jesse and Blaine’s session here.

Blaine Helmick
Senior Manager, System Engineering at Wiley

Jesse Antoszyk
Solutions Architect at BoxBoat
What is your breakout about?

Jesse: We’re going to be talking about making Wiley Education Services successful running their CMS on Docker and Swarm! The journey and the end result are pretty compelling.

Blaine: Jesse teed this up perfectly. It’s all about the “hero’s journey” where we triumph over the mediocrity of single-purpose virtual machines.

Why should people go to your session?

Blaine: Would it be too absurd to abstract some Shakespeare?

“To containerize, or not to containerize that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the downtime and broken code of outrageous software, or to take countermeasures against a sea of denial of services attacks And by mitigating the traffic end them? To server 500: to fail; No more; We Docker.”

Ok, maybe that’s a little over the top.

Jesse: The journey to containerization extends beyond tech, it’s a shift in thinking. Implement containers, and implement CI/CD, but don’t forget to adopt the DevOps mentality to support them. Doing these things will allow you to focus on creating better products faster. Anyone interested in learning how we went from zero to Docker, the challenges we faced and solutions we came up with, will get a lot out of this session. We’re going to give a peek into the organizational and technical aspects of containerizing CMS at WES.

What are you looking forward to the most at this DockerCon?

Jesse: Hard to pick. I’m really stoked for most of the black belt talks. Speaking at DockerCon is pretty exciting as well!

Blaine: Last year I walked out quoting the “Pets versus Crops” metaphor – I switched it up from “Pets versus Cattle” to be more animal friendly ☺ I’m excited just thinking about what I’ll walk out of DCSF ’19 quoting.
Thank you to all our presenters and see you at DockerCon!
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