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Introducing MagnetoDB, a key-value storage sevice for OpenStack

Ilya Sviridov - February 28, 2014

Mirantis is happy to present a new project called MagnetoDB, the key-value store service for OpenStack.

NoSQL solutions such as MagnetoDB work well in projects where you need to process a huge amount of requests and data. One well-known example is Amazon DynamoDB, which Amazon Web Services provides as a service.

One important feature of DynamoDB is its easy to integrate HTTP-based API.  MagnetoDB is an implementation of that API, but it is being developed as a community-driven opensource project with integration into OpenStack in mind.  That means that the main distinction of MagnetoDB in comparison with other NoSQL solutions is that MagnetoDB is designed as a platform service of OpenStack itself, and is tightly integrated with other OpenStack services such as aeuthorization, quota management, auto-scaling and monitoring.

The key features of the MagnetoDB service are

  • An easy-to-integrate REST-like API (usable with the AWS SDK, boto clients)

  • Schemaless, non-relational table-based model

  • Put/get/query/scan item operations

  • Eventual and strong consistency reads

  • Local Secondary indexes

  • Batch read/write operations

  • Designed to handle any amount of data and any level of request traffic

  • Seamless throughput and storage scaling

  • Fault tolerance

MagentoDB employs existing OpenStack infrastructure where it possible and uses HEAT for provisioning and Neutron LBaaS for request routing.

The first pilot version has been released and available for download from Launchpad. It currently supports following features:

You can find more information about the current features of the pilot version, including seeing MagnetoDB act as a drop-in replacement for DynamoDB, in this screencast:

You can also view the presentation directly:

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