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k0s 1.22 brings the latest and greatest Kubernetes features

Edward Ionel - September 01, 2021
Mirantis is pleased to announce, k0s - Zero Friction Kubernetes - version 1.22 is now available for all Kubernetes users! 
The highlights of this release include support for Kubernetes 1.22, the ability to disable pre-built-in components, updated upstream components and removal of iptables dependencies. In addition, you’ll find a number of other enhancements and improvements brought to k0s with this release. To learn more about the new features and enhancements see the full changelog or read my summary below. Get started today!

Kubernetes 1.22 Support

With this release, k0s delivers support for Kubernetes 1.22, which introduced more than 50 total enhancements and deprecated several features.  As always, our goal is to bring the latest and greatest Kubernetes features to k0s without any changes, while optimizing the overall experience.  
Several Major Enhancements brought to Kubernetes 1.22:
  • Server-side Apply graduates to GA 
    • Server-side Apply is a new field ownership and object merge algorithm running on the Kubernetes API server.
  • External credential providers now stable 
    • Support for Kubernetes client credential plugins has been in beta since 1.11, and with the release of Kubernetes 1.22 now graduates to stable.
  • etcd moves to 3.5.0 
    • etcd 3.5.0 improves security, performance, monitoring, and developer experience.
  • Quality of Service for memory resources
    • As an alpha feature, Kubernetes v1.22 can now use the cgroups v2 API to control memory allocation and isolation.
  • Node system swap support 
    • With the release of Kubernetes 1.22, alpha support is available to run nodes with swap memory. This lets administrators opt in to configuring swap on Linux nodes, treating a portion of block storage as additional virtual memory.

Disable Pre Built-in Components

With k0s 1.22, you can now disable specific system components, creating additional flexibility for our users. Allowing our users to build a minimal Kubernetes control plane and use alternative components to fulfill their needs. The ability to disable specific components can be useful in certain optimization cases, like disabling the metrics server.  
For more information on how to disable k0s system components, see our docs

Removed Iptables dependency 

With k0s 1.22, k0s no longer requires the host OS system to have iptables installed, providing additional flexibility to help reduce your system dependencies. This is ideal for users who want to install k0s on an IoT device with an optimized OS.
With this release, k0s can now run with only the host OS kernel and no other dependencies. 

Updated Upstream Components

  • Update Kubernetes 1.22.1
  • Update etcd 3.5.0
  • Update containerd 1.5.5
  • Update konnectivity to 0.0.24

Documentation Updates:

K0s documentation has been updated to include two new tutorials covering the installation of the MetalLB load balancer and NGINX ingress controller.We see improving documentation as an ongoing effort, so keep your feedback and questions coming. We very much appreciate all the help and contributions! 

Community Updates

On behalf of Mirantis, I would like to thank our wonderful community and contributors. The team and I would love to hear your feedback, good or bad. If you enjoy k0s, we would greatly appreciate a Github Stargazer. This allows our developers and contributors to see the love and appreciation for the project.
As a gentle reminder: If you have not yet followed us on Twitter, please do so! Also, please join the k0s Slack channel (hosted by our friends, Lens IDE) to hear the latest news, discussions and provide your feedback.

About k0s

k0s is zero friction Kubernetes distribution. It provides a unique mix of simplicity, security and modularity. k0s is 100% open source and free of charge, for any purpose. The k0s open source project is backed by a number of Kubernetes, Docker and Linux ecosystem pioneers. It combines experience with all the best innovations and ideas in the ecosystem to create a pure Kubernetes distribution that is slim, modern & fresh while maximizing the developer happiness. https://k0sproject.io

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