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Meet & Drink: OpenStack in Production – Event Highlights

Boris Renski - December 20, 2011

As a matter of tradition at this point, we offer a photo report, covering OpenStack Meetup event series hosted by Mirantis and Silicon Valley Cloud Center. Our December 14th event focused on sharing experience around running OpenStack in production. I moderated a panel consisting of Ken Pepple – director of cloud development at Internap, Ray O’Brian – CTO of IT at NASA and Rodrigo Benzaquen – R&D director at MercadoLibre.

This time we went all out and even recorded the video of the event:

For those that are not in the mood to watch this 50 minute panel video, here is a quick photo report:

We served wine and beer with pizza, salad and deserts...

...While people ate, drank, and mingled...

…and then they drank some more…

We started the panel with myself saying smart stuff about OpenStack. After the intro we kicked off with questions to the panel.

The panelists talked...

...and talked...

...and then talked some more.

Meanwhile, the audience listened...

...and listened.

Everyone in our US team was sporting these OpenStack shirts.

At the end we gave out 5 signed copies of "Deploying OpenStack" books, written by one of our panelists - Ken Pepple. Roman (pictured above) did not get a copy.

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