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Mirantis OpenStack Summit Vancouver presentations

Denise Walters - March 24, 2015
Please join Mirantis at the Vancouver OpenStack Summit. We'll be giving the following presentations:

Monday, 5/18
Optimizing Contributions with Globally Distributed Teams

Join this workshop panel to learn tips and tricks on how to maximize your effectiveness and efficiency when working on large open source projects such as OpenStack.
Kamesh Pemmaraju (Mirantis), Beth Cohen (Verizon), Diane Mueller (Red Hat), Karin Levenstein (Rackspace), Fernando Oliveira (Verizon)

Taming Neutron with Collaborative Documentation

Everyone knows that networking presents one of the biggest challenges in planning, deploying, and operating an OpenStack cloud, and the lack of sufficient practical documentation contributes significantly to the problem. Here we will discuss how a group of people with a wide range of skills and expertise joined forces in the last development cycle to create a new collaborative Networking Guide, and in the process established new rules for creating OpenStack documentation, including defining topics, engaging the community and SMEs, and combining skill sets to achieve a large and complicated goal.
Nick Chase and Sean Collins (Mirantis), Matthew Kassawara and Matt Dorn (Rackspace), Edgar Magana (Workday)

Swift vs Ceph from an Architectural Standpoint
Ceph may not be an "official" OpenStack project, but it's common enough in OpenStack deployments that our Architectural Design Assessments often include a discussion of Ceph versus Swift, and Ceph versus other Cinder backends. This talk will go into detail on how to design a storage infrastructure that fulfills the requirements of the project without breaking the bank.
Christian Huebner (Mirantis)

Tuesday, 5/19
Taking Risks: How Experimentation Leads to Breakthroughs

More organizations are embracing the power of experimentation, using a reliable set of tools and proven processes to foster collaboration and produce results. Cloud computing is a key driver, lowering the time-to-results of such experiments, and rewarding companies who embrace the "fail fast" mentality of start ups. Real breakthroughs don't appear on traditional long term roadmaps - they come from taking risks and iterating. Watch a live demo on how incredibly easy it is to get a new app from the community app catalog into your cloud.
Moderated by Mark Collier (OpenStack Foundation), including the following speakers, Adrian Otto (Rackspace), Sandeep Parikh (Google), James Penick (Yahoo!), Craig Peters (Mirantis), Zack Rosen (Pantheon)

APIs Matter

A working group of community members from across the OpenStack projects has come together to focus on the public face of OpenStack:  RESTful HTTP APIs, which can hurt the user's first impression of OpenStack. In this session, we will discuss the goals of the API working group, the guidance delivered in the last release cycle, as well as the pain points and ongoing debates. We'll also demonstrate a new testing framework developed by Chris Dent called "Gabbi" that aims to clarify both how the OpenStack contributors *think about* APIs as well as how we validate that our APIs are consistent, user friendly, and well structured.
Jay Pipes, (Mirantis), Chris Dent (Red Hat)

High performance Neutron using SR-IOV and Intel 82599
This presentation will describe Mirantis' effort to add SR-IOV support to Neutron using a common Intel 82599 network chip and other enhancements that enable bonding SR-IOV interfaces in the VM. These changes can provide high performance, low latency, multi-tenant networks using a commodity chip built into a large number of server platforms.
Greg Elkinbard (Mirantis)

What's coming for IPv6 and L3 in Neutron
IPv6 in OpenStack Neutron has made progress enough that the addressing and L2 issues have been resolved.  Neutron still faces a number of issues when it comes to IPv6 and L3.  This talk will discuss these issues and how the Neutron team is addressing them in Kilo and future releases. 
Sean Collins (Mirantis), Carl Baldwin (HP)

Using Rally for OpenStack Certification at Scale
It goes without saying that one of the most important things in all OpenStack clouds from big to small is to be 100% sure that everything works as expected BEFORE taking on production workloads. Join us to see how Rally can fully automate these steps for you and save dozens if not hundreds of hours. 
Boris Pavlovic (Mirantis), Jesse Keating (Blue Box)

Catalog of Apps for OpenStack
Until now we’ve all faced a challenge in porting applications to run on OpenStack. Today we introduce a catalog of applications for OpenStack hosted by the Foundation at catalog.openstack.org. Deep dive into what the catalog is now, where it could go, and how to contribute 
Boris Renski, Craig Peters and Christoper Aedo (Mirantis)

Mad Stacks: Beyond Thunderdome
The Thunderdome is back. This full-house session from the Paris Summit is reloaded for Vancouver with a panel of experts who have deployed OpenStack in each of five methodologies — services, appliances, distros, DIY, and consulting. Come hear them make their cases for the best OpenStack deployment model, and see the scores guest judges give them as they lift their score cards, Olympic style, to rate performances. The Thunderdome will strip away vendor shill and cloudwashing, with host Randy Bias forcing panelists to give direct and unambiguous responses to tough questions about how to move OpenStack from PoC to production. 
Boris Renski (Mirantis), Jesse Proudman (Blue Box), Chris Kemp (Nebula), Randy Bias (EMC), Christopher MacGown (Piston), Caroline McCrory (GigaOm)

Wednesday, 5/20
Ask the Experts: Are Containers a Threat to OpenStack?

This all-star panel discussion will discuss and debate if containers are a threat to OpenStack and will be recorded as a "Speaking in Tech" Podcast, which is distributed by Europe's largest tech publication, The Register.
Boris Renski (Mirantis), Greg Knieriemen (HDS), Manju Ramanathpura (HDS), Kenneth Hui (EMC), Caroline McCrory (GigaOm), Jan Mark Holzer (Red Hat), Jesse Proudman (Blue Box)

Running Kubernetes on top of OpenStack with Application Catalog
In this session you will learn about various options for using Kubernetes on OpenStack and how to make it easier. We’ll also perform a live demo of different use cases with an application catalog approach. 
Craig Peters and Georgy Okrokvertskhov (Mirantis)

Catalog Working Session
We'd like to invite you to participate in defining the future of the Community Apps Catalog. Come to this open working session and contribute your ideas to make this project a game changer for the community. Here we want to get the debate going in earnest. What should the scope be? What should the implementation be (maybe even the Artifact Repository?). 
Craig Peters and Christoper Aedo (Mirantis)

Panel: How to select an OpenStack distribution that’s right for you
OpenStack distributions seem to be all the rage these days. At last count, the number of Icehouse and Juno based distributions were in the double digits. OpenStack distributions are gaining preference in the market because they provide pre-packaged OpenStack installers and automation, add reference architectures to simplify the infrastructure choices, and add enterprise class support options.  But beyond the ease of installation and the safety net of support, what else differentiates them?  Which are better for hosting next generation applications such as PaaS and Hadoop?  Which scale better and why? And how about mundane things like upgrades and updates - how straightforward are these operations? Come join a panel of OpenStack veterans as they provide insight on what they see in the OpenStack distro landscape, why customers are choosing specific distributions, how 3rd party drivers are bundled and certified plus which apps are certified on which distro.
Nick (Nicolas) Barcet (Red Hat), Seth Fox (Solinea), Ronen Kofman (Mirantis), Shaw Madden (Piston), Azmir Mohamed (PLUMgrid), Mark Williams (Redapt)

Do appliances violate OpenStack’s prime directive?
Does the appliance model and OpenStack mix like oil and water, or is there really some secret sauce to this approach? While OpenStack emphasizes support of heterogeneous infrastructure, alternative solutions have demonstrated wild success in the marketplace with proprietary hardware platforms and converged solutions with fewer options. Nebula gained traction with this model, but it could not be sustained. Will any OpenStack appliances or hyper-converged solutions succeed or does the appliance approach violate OpenStack’s Prime Directive? Join the panel of experts as they debate the viability of an OpenStack based appliance model. They will:
● Weigh OpenStack’s core values against the promises of converged solutions
● Review appliance success stories and failures in the OpenStack and overall cloud ecosystem
● Reflect on factors such as time to market, upgradability, scalability, performance, reliability, and supportability
Jeff Dickey (Redapt), Chris Kemp (Founder of OpenStack and Nebula), Jeff O’Neal (NetApp), Jim Sangster (Mirantis), Ken Won (Hewlett-Packard)

State of SSL in Barbican
Provisioning SSL within Openstack requires the generation of x509 certificates. This includes the generation and escrow of asymmetric key pairs, issuing signing requests to a certificate authority and retrieving the issued certificates. The Barbican Key Manager will provide capabilities to do all of those operations through its Orders interface. Come to this presentation if you are interested in using Barbican¹s SSL life-cycle management capabilities or would like more information on when you will be able to leverage this functionality in your OpenStack deployment.
Ade Lee (Red Hat), Sheena Gregson (Mirantis), John Wood (Rackspace)

Thursday, 5/21
Building Your First Ceph Cluster for OpenStack— Fighting for Performance, Solving Tradeoffs

In this talk, speakers from Mirantis will share practical advice and lessons learned (sometimes the hard way) on what it takes to power an OpenStack cloud with Ceph.
Dmitriy Novakovskiy and Greg Elkinbard (Mirantis)

Docker on OpenStack with Kubernetes
Docker has accelerated development of portable services on cloud due to its slick approach to component lifecycle management. But connecting up a bunch of Docker containers as well-behaved aggregate services in the cloud can be more complex and brittle than most Docker users realize. In this talk, we'll show how you can take a Kubernetes cluster running on OpenStack and deploy the same cluster unmodified on GCE.
Kit Merker (Google), Craig Peters (Mirantis) 

Deliver Cloud-Ready Applications to End-Users Using the Glance Artifact Repository
After this talk you will have a deep understanding of the capabilities of the new Glance Artifact Repository and how to use them to make your applications discoverable in multi-tenant OpenStack clouds.
Alexander Tivelkov (Mirantis)

What your customers don't know about OpenStack might hurt you
In this presentation we’ll look at the biggest land mines of explaining the complexities of OpenStack to app developers and other consumers, including what to explain -- and what to avoid -- regarding governance and the integrated release cycle, including assessing their engineering chops and appetite for getting into the weeds of OpenStack. We’ll also examine how to talk with new users about the best way to become engaged in the community, without scaring them away from open source altogether. 
David Fishman (Mirantis), Jesse Proudman (Blue Box), Kenneth Hui (EMC), Lisa-Marie Namphy (HP)

Moving an AWS Workload to OpenStack
You've decided to make the switch to OpenStack. Great! Now what do you do with all of those apps already running on Amazon Web Services? In this talk, we'll look at some of your options for moving your existing applications and workloads from AWS to OpenStack.
Nick Chase (Mirantis)

The Multi-hypervisor OpenStack Cloud: Are We There Yet?
One of the visions for OpenStack is for it to be the unifying common fabric for all cloud and infrastructure components in the enterprise, but the options for full-featured and reasonably performant programmable networking with multiple hypervisors have been limited. This presentation covers what has changed in the last six months, giving you a solid understanding of today’s options for using multiple hypervisors in the same OpenStack cloud, and why you may (or may not) need it in your environment.
Evgeniya Shumakher and Dmitriy Novakovskiy (Mirantis), Maxim Datskovskiy (HP)

Detecting targeted cyber attacks in the cloud

These days, we see an increasing number of cyber-attacks affecting both public and private clouds. By the end of this session, attendees will understand the specifics of such attacks and be able to detect Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) or general purpose malware activity in their own cloud networks by using an intrusion detection system.
Alexander Adamov (Mirantis)

Common use cases and options for Barbican in your OpenStack deployment
Several OpenStack projects have begun forming integrations as an opportunity to their offload key and certificate management needs. What do these integrations look like and what functionality do they provide?What interface options are available for using Barbican in my application? Join subject matter experts from across OpenStack to explore current and planned integration points and to dive deeper into how Barbican is solving key management needs across the community and how you can leverage Barbican for your own project or deployment needs.  Presenters include contributors from Barbican, Nova, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, Heat, and Keystone.

Sheena Gregson (Mirantis), Joel Coffman (Johns Hopkins University), John Dickinson (SwiftStack), Adam Harwell and Douglas Mendizábal (Rackspace)

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