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Murano team announces new service release, v0.2.1

Georgy Okrokvertskhov - October 04, 2013

The Murano team has announced the release of Murano 0.2.1, the first service release for Murano 0.2. Murano enables users to easily deploy Windows environments using OpenStack.  In particular, Murano is designed for non-experienced users, who might have difficulty with the complexity of deploying multi-component environments that often require coordinated changes in several services and configuration files. Murano provides both a UI (integrated with Horizon) and an API, to allow deployment and operation of Windows environments at the "Windows Services" abstraction level.

Murano service release 0.2.1 contains bug fixes for Murano 0.2, with over 30 improvements, including better data validation in the dashboard, the ability to create multiple server farms in a single environment, and heightened security. The Murano team provides service releases frequently, so please check for the latest service release available on the Murano project's LaunchPad page.

For more information on this release, see the complete Murano 0.2.1 Release Notes, or you can find more information on using Murano at the Murano Project Wiki and Launchpad.  Also, the Murano team always welcomes contributions, and invites everyone to participate in the live chat on the #murano channel on FreeNode; the wiki also hosts more information on developing for Murano.

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