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Come listen to Mirantis presentations at OpenStack Summit Paris

Michelle Yakura - October 21, 2014

With OpenStack Summit Paris less than two weeks away, now is a good time to plan which sessions to attend while you're there. If you'll be at the summit, be sure to check out some of the presentations that Mirantis will be speaking in — we'll be featured in more than 20 talks (our largest number ever), ranging from technical topics to cloudfunding to customer case studies. Click on any of the links below, and you'll be able to add the presentation to your summit schedule.

Monday, November 3

11:40-13:10  Using Heat and Other Tools to Deploy Highly Available Environments
12:30-13:10  Panel: Experience with OpenStack in Telco Infrastructure Transformation
12:30-13:10  Resiliency and Performance Engineering for OpenStack at Enterprise Scale
14:30 - 15:10  Evaluating Vendors and Drivers in OpenStack Deployments with Rally + OSProfiler
14:30 - 15:10  How Do I Get My Hardware OpenStack-Ready?
15:20 - 16:00  Tales from the Ship: Navigating the OpenStack Community Seas
16:20 - 17:00  Panel: Open Source OpenStack Provisioning Tools: What, Why, and How?
15:40 - 16:20  OpenStack and vSphere/vCenter: Best Practices for 'Classic' Enterprise and Cloud-ready Apps
17:10 - 17:50  Ask the Experts: OpenStack as a Service or as a Distribution?

Tuesday, November 4

11:15-11:55  MySQL and OpenStack Deep Dive
12:05-12:45  Fireside Chat: Getting VCs to Believe Your OpenStack Story
12:05-12:45  Pumphouse: Workload Migration and Rolling Upgrades of OpenStack Cloud
12:05-12:45  Walk on Water: 20 Stepping Stones to Reach Production OpenStack Cloud (for Execs, PMs, Architects)
14:50-15:30  Building Telco Grade Cloud Services with OpenStack at Orange
16:40-17:20  The OpenStack Thunderdome

Wednesday, November 5

9:00-9:40  4 Years In
11:00-11:40  Rethinking Ceilometer metric storage with Gnocchi: Time-series as a Service
11:30-11:50  Designing for Scale: Data Storage in OpenStack and Galera Cluster
11:50-12:30  Glance Artifacts: It's Not Just for Images Anymore
11:50-12:30  Altruism as a Service: An Essential Pillar of OpenStack
14:40-15:20  How We Fought for OpenStack HA
16:30-17:10  How to Take the CI/CD Plunge or How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love the Bomb

Mirantis engineer Denis Makogon presents at
OpenStack Summit Atlanta in May.

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