OpenStack:Now Podcast Ep 9: Interviews from OpenStack:SV 2015
OpenStack Silicon Valley brought some (many? most?) of OpenStack's most influential thought-leaders together for two days of intense sharing on how OpenStack will embrace and support containers and emerging container-management frameworks.
OpenStack: Now Editor in Chief Nick Chase and colleagues used the opportunity to catch up with key players, learn about new products, OpenStack projects and aggregate many different viewpoints on containers and related topics. Included in this playlist are insightful interviews with Adrian Otto, PTL of Solum and Magnum; Craig McLuckie of Google, co-founder of the Kubernetes project; Lachlan Evenson, Team Lead for Cloud Platform Engineering at Lithium; Mark MkLoughlin, OpenStack Tech Director at Red Hat; Matt Van Winkle, Senior Manager/Ops at Rackspace, who helps manage Rackspace Public Cloud; and Nati Shalom, CTO of GigaSpaces.