What's new in Stackalytics (9/3/13)
Most people don’t like to work in the dark, so it's nice that OpenStack has Stackalytics. Stackalytics, as we've mentioned before, provides statistics on what has been getting done in the OpenStack community, and by whom.
When we released Stackalytics into the wild, we said that we would be making improvements, so in this, the first of a series of semi-regular posts, I thought I would give you an update on some of the new features and how you can make things work even better. These new features include:
- More metrics
- More powerful searching
- Easier sorting
As you may remember, Stackalytics started by making it possible to see which companies have contributed what to the OpenStack ecosystem, and how much. At that time, you were able to drill down by the core and incubated projects, and see results based on number of commits or lines of code. Now, in version 0.3, we have added new metrics by which you can search and sort.
For example, while writing code is important, it’s also important to get that code reviewed, especially with the Havana code freeze coming up. To that end, you can now sort by the number of reviews a company or individual engineer has done, and see how many positive or negative reviews they’ve submitted.
As you can see here, we’ve also increased the number of items by which you can directly search, and made it easier to do those searches. You can now pull up the statistics for a specific project, module, company or even an individual engineer right from the home page. We’ve also expanded the number of projects being tracked to include all core and incubation projects, as well as everything on the main openstack repository, and even Stackforge projects.
This is all on the front end, of course. One of the great things about Stackalytics is that it’s completely open, and designed so that any necessary changes and corrections can be made through the community process. Next time, we’ll talk about using Stackalytics’ persistent storage to make sure that data keeps up with the reality in the ever changing world of OpenStack development.
As always, we welcome your feedback and changes. You can find detailed information on the OpenStack Stackalytics wiki, and submit any bugs or inconsistencies you find.