EMC and OpenStack: Going Big
The video embedded below contains an EMC World interview, conducted last week with Mirantis Chairman and co-founder, Alex Freedland, on the topic of Mirantis' burgeoning partnership with EMC, most recently represented in the certification of EMC's VNX family, ScaleIO and XTremeIO universal, scale-up and scale-out/distributed storage solutions. To learn more about those solutions and download EMC's Reference Architecture, please visit our EMC Partner Page.
Also check out: EMC's first OpenStack Summit Vancouver blog, released this morning (Tuesday, 5/19/15), in which Dorian Naveh, Senior Director of Technology Alliances at EMC, summarizes EMC's rapidly-expanding commitment to OpenStack, talks about reference architectures and certifications concluded or in-progress with partners (like Mirantis, Canonical, Red Hat and VMware), and growing Community participation. EMC has over 80 employees at Vancouver, a 10'x20' booth (visit them at booth #P13 if you're there) and will be participating in 14 breakout sessions, plus tech talks, video interviews, and other shenanigans. So, if you're there, swing a cat (easiest way to find an EMC, or, for that matter, a Mirantis employee at Summit) and say hello! Also see EMC's Technology Alliances YouTube Channel, where they're publishing clips from Summit, EMC World and other recent events.