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It's your OpenStack Summit—cast your votes

It’s that time of year again—when the din of “vote for my session” begins. We’ll try to keep our session proposal pimping down, especially since we submitted more than 70 proposals. If we tweeted about each one just once, we’d be prancing our proposals once every couple of hours around the clock. When you take into account sessions by our customers or partners, well, that could get overwhelming.

Whether or not voting matters, or affects the actual selection process, it’s a good chance to communicate with the community, to float ideas, hear what people are interested in, and to get thinking about what you want to learn at the summit.

These are the subjects we are enthusiastic about, and whether or not these get selected, we can still bring you this information if you’re interested. Are there other topics you’d like to hear about from us? Let us know in the comments. And please vote! You can vote for as many sessions as you like, but the deadline is February 17.

Architectural Decisions


Cloud App Development



Big Data


Hands-on Workshops

Evaluating OpenStack


Products & Services

Enterprise IT Strategies

Related OSS Projects

Community Building


Upstream Development


Project Updates

Case Studies

So what do you think?  Let us know which topics you'd really like to see in the comments.

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