Mirantis named a Challenger in 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Container Management  |  Learn More


Simple, flexible, secure, and scalable container orchestration.

Container orchestration is powerful—but no one ever said it was easy. Avoid the pain and get back to mission-critical engineering with Mirantis Kubernetes Engine, the enterprise Kubernetes platform for deploying containers at scale. MKE is CNCF-certified, hardened by Mirantis, and secured with its own DISA STIG and FIPS 140-2 encryption.

Use Kubernetes, Swarm, or both, and experience the fastest time to production for modern applications across any environment.

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Enterprise container orchestration

Avoid lock-in. Run Mirantis Kubernetes Engine on bare metal, or on private or public clouds—and on a range of popular Linux distributions.

Reduce time-to-value. Hit the ground running with out-of-the-box dependencies including Calico for Kubernetes networking and NGINX for Ingress support.

Leverage open source. Save money and maintain control by using a full stack of open source-based technologies that are production-proven, scalable, and extensible.

Focus on apps—not infrastructure. Enable your IT team to focus on building business-differentiating applications when you couple Mirantis Kubernetes Engine with OpsCare Plus for a fully-managed Kubernetes experience.

How it works

Mirantis Kubernetes Engine gives you the power to build, run, and scale cloud native applications—the way that works for you. Increase developer efficiency and release frequency while reducing cost. Deploy Kubernetes and Swarm clusters out of the box and manage them via API, CLI, or web interface.

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Kubernetes, Swarm, or both

Different apps—and different teams—have different container orchestration needs. Use Kubernetes, Swarm, or both depending on your specific requirements.

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Simplified cluster management

Get up and running right out of the box—then manage clusters easily and apply updates with zero downtime using a simple web UI, CLI, or API.

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Integrated role-based access control (RBAC)

Fine-grained security access control across your platform ensures effective separation of duties, and helps drive a security strategy built on the principle of least privilege.

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Identity management

Easily integrate with your existing identity management solution and enable two-factor authentication to provide peace of mind that only authorized users are accessing your platform.


Cloud expertise for financial services

Run business-critical applications on a cloud designed for financial services—backed by cloud experts with over a decade of experience.


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OpsCare Plus

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Just 2 weeks until clusters are deployed, tuned, and ready to go with 24x7 managed operations.


Customers are saying…

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We’re happy to build Kubernetes on-premises with Mirantis Kubernetes Engine."

Patrick Monbaron, Systems Engineer at Vaudoise Assurance

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Developers started realizing that, hey, look, I can free up my time now. I can focus on my core development, and I don’t need to deal with the traditional operational issues. That was quite eye-opening for us, and we started seeing the ROI very early on.”

Manoj Agrawal
Head of RBC Capital Markets Compute and Data Fabric

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We have people from Mirantis working with us on a day-to-day basis; when we are doing major upgrades or working on a complex incident, we can work with Mirantis experts and even their development team.”

Florent Carre
Cloud Infrastructure Specialist at Société Générale

A rich partner ecosystem

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Real-time cost monitoring and management

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Cloud native data protection

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Cloud native security tooling

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DevOps and CI/CD

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Application-aware networking

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Cloud native API management

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Cloud native networking and network security

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Container data management

Our partnerships with industry leaders provide a rich ecosystem of integrations. Visit our partner page to explore more.

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Get started with Mirantis Kubernetes Engine

Want to learn more about Mirantis Kubernetes Engine—or experience it for yourself?



Mirantis Kubernetes Engine Datasheet

Learn more about how Mirantis Kubernetes Engine provides the fastest time to production for modern applications across any environment.



Kubernetes Enterprise Security Checklist

Kubernetes and cloud applications let complex systems run reliably in unreliable environments.



Mirantis Kubernetes Engine Docs

Explore the Reference Architecture, Deployment Guide, API Reference, and other docs to get all the technical details.

Enterprise container orchestration, solved

Want to simplify cloud native development even more? Mirantis’s enterprise Kubernetes platform integrates tightly with the rest of our suite to create a powerful ZeroOps stack:


Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes

Resilient, scalable, performant, containerized OpenStack infrastructure as a service (IaaS).


Lens Desktop/Lens Pro

The most popular and powerful Kubernetes IDE and dashboard, enhanced with collaboration and other features from the cloud.



CI/CD as a service plus Kubernetes expertise - for guaranteed outcomes.



Just push your code to deliver applications seamlessly, using our next-generation application delivery hub.


Let’s talk

Contact us to learn how Mirantis can accelerate your cloud initiatives.