How to become your own Cloud Service Provider (and why you should)
Every business is a software business, which means that your success depends on your developers` ability to get their job done. To do that, they need a rich environment of resources and services, and right now there`s a good chance that they`re paying for them in the public cloud (with your money).
There are a number of reasons you`d be better off if you could control and provide those services in a way that is unique to your needs. This boils down to providing a means of accessing a diverse set of services. This whitepaper will help you understand the reasons why you should consider becoming your own Cloud Service Provider, as well as giving you a basic understanding of the process. You`ll learn about:
Business considerations to take into account when deciding to become your own CSP
An overview of the process of implementing your own cloud environment, as well as architectural decisions you will need to make
How becoming your own CSP improves cost containment
Security considerations to help keep your data and resources safe
How to encourage the use of your cloud internally to get the best return on your investment
After reading this whitepaper, you will have enough of a grounding in the topic to decide whether to embark on this cloud journey, and how to make informed decisions if you do.