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We know you're busy: Learn Containers 5 Minutes at a Time and move into the modern software development age

More and more enterprises are adopting cloud-native technologies like containers and Kubernetes, and that means you need to learn to deploy applications in an entirely new way in order to keep up. But it can be tough to learn the fundamentals and best practices when you need to fit your learning into a busy schedule.

This concise, hands-on primer leads you through the fundamentals of containerization, giving you the foundation you need to start building with containers, as well as a foundation to understand other technologies such as Kubernetes and even Serverless computing.

Download free container tutorial and start learning today:

The key concepts underlying containers so you have a foundation for everything that comes afterwards

How to use core tools like image registries to make your applications available to yourself and other developers as appropriate

Fundamentals of container networking that are essential for understanding container orchestrators like Kubernetes

How to deploy containerized apps in single-container and multi-container configurations so you can build more complex systems

The future of software development is already here. Download now to find out what you`re missing.