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The Certified Enterprise
Kubernetes Distribution

K0s is a highly scalable, certified Kubernetes distribution that works on any infrastructure. It’s open source and free, and supported by Mirantis.



Zero Friction Certified
Kubernetes Distribution

Mirantis k0s drastically reduces the complexity of installing and running a fully conformant Kubernetes distribution.

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Kubernetes Made Easy: K0s drastically reduces the complexity of installing and running a fully conformant Kubernetes distribution. K0s is distributed as a single binary with its own CLI, enabling clusters to be deployed manually in minutes on Linux VMs, servers, or edge devices: ideal for developer self-service. The included Autopilot operator can fully automate non-disruptive cluster updates-in-place.

NEW: The optional k0smotron operator leverages Kubernetes Cluster API to manage k0s clusters and infrastructure: a true multi-cluster solution.

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Flexible Kubernetes: By default, k0s comes with the core components for enterprise-grade Kubernetes distribution. K0s is highly flexible and works with any Kubernetes extension. Pre-configured components like containerD, Kube-Router and etcd make a good choice to get started, but they can be easily swapped to your favorite solution. k0s supports simplified configuration for alternative and additional container runtimes, making it easy to use CRI alternatives like gVisor and WASMtime.

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Secure Kubernetes: k0s installs from Mirantis-curated versions of upstream images, scanned and with known CVEs minimized, and new CVEs removed as rapidly as possible. k0s Kubernetes distribution comes with Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypted cluster management. It includes CIS security benchmarking and FIPS 140-2 compliance to fulfill hard security demands. To help secure the network, k0s features control-plane isolation to keep applications separate from the cluster management and limit the attack surface. k0s can easily be configured to support the gVisor container sandboxing solution, creating another layer of defense against container-escape exploits.

Enterprise Security, Enabled by Default

  • Distributed as a single binary for any Linux OS without additional software packages. Any security vulnerability or performance issue in the Kubernetes stack can be fixed directly in the k0s binary file.

  • True Control-plane isolation keeps applications separate from the cluster management. This helps secure the network by limiting the attack surface. The Control-Plane can be entirely separate from the cluster, running on its own infrastructure.

  • Worker Nodes can run behind the firewall in a local area network, creating additional security for edge or IoT deployments.

  • Automatically optimized for any size clusters. K0s runs efficiently in both high-available, multi-node production clusters and small, single-node development clusters.

Technical Support

Mirantis offers world-class support for k0s, enabling you to take advantage of our industry-leading expertise through our CloudCare Portal.

  • LabCare - 8 x 5 (M-F). For non-production workloads

  • OpsCare - 24/7 support. For enterprise production environments

  • OpsCare Plus - Fully managed, proactive support, with >99.9% availability

Support for k0s includes support for k0smotron – the Kubernetes-native, fully-declarative hosted control plane and multi-cluster manager built for k0s. Try k0smotron today!


Professional Services

Professional services may be used to meet enterprise IT policies for software deployment and configuration.

  • Site-wide configuration

  • Packaging and distribution

  • Custom application deployment and integration


What Makes k0s Unique?

Zero Friction

K0s drastically reduces the complexity of installing and running a fully conformant Kubernetes distribution. Clusters can be bootstrapped and deployed within minutes. Less toil for developers during deployments allows them to focus on what matters most.

Zero Deps

K0s is distributed as a single binary with no host OS dependencies besides the host OS kernel. It works with any Linux operating system without additional software packages or configuration. Security vulnerabilities or performance issues can be debugged and fixed directly in the k0s distribution.

Zero CVEs

k0s installs Mirantis-curated versions of current upstream Kubernetes binaries, with known CVEs minimized, and new CVEs removed as rapidly as possible. Version 1.27, at release, had zero known CVEs.

Zero Cost

k0s is completely free for personal or commercial use, and it always will be. The source code is available on GitHub under Apache 2.0 license and will be continuously updated with all the latest Kubernetes features, without delays. It’s an essential foundation for any Kubernetes project and easy to build upon.


VIDEO: k0s - the Simple, Solid and Certified Kubernetes Distro for ANY Infrastructure

Enterprise Secure
Grade Use Cases:

K0s flexibility and extensions make it a perfect fit for:

  • Enterprise Secure Grade Clusters

  • Edge, IoT and Telecom

  • Local development clusters

  • Private datacenter clusters (on bare metal or virtual machines)

  • Hybrid cloud/hyper converged clusters

System Requirements

  • Controller node requires just 1 vCPU and 1 GB of RAM

  • Worker node requires just 1 vCPU and 0.5 GB of RAM

  • X86-64, ARM64, and ARMv7 processor architectures