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How to Add a Kubernetes Minion with Mirantis Cloud Platform — Live Demo Q&A

Bruce Mathews - January 29, 2019
Earlier this month, we hosted a live demo of some of the infrastructure-related Kubernetes capabilities of Mirantis Cloud Platform. Here are the questions we received during the presentation.

What other distros besides Ubuntu are supported by Mirantis Cloud Platform? For example, can we use CentOS 7?

We use strictly Ubuntu to manage our control plane, currently only Ubuntu 16.04 - 18.04. So even if it's OpenStack, we use the Ubuntu KVM. We can negotiate running CentOS as a minion to it, but in order for us to test things, as you can imagine, we run through some intensive testing and scaling of environments and to repeat those on multiple operating systems would reduce our ability to provide the version to you that has been tested and scaled.

What are the best tools for monitoring a k8s cluster?

There are a lot of monitoring tools out there in the world, but I believe the tools that we gather together in Mirantis StackLight — which is really a combination of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) and Prometheus for long term storage and trending and Alerta for alert management — provide a really good foundation for managing all kinds of clusters including Kubernetes clusters. See StackLight overview slides.

Aside from x86, what CPU architectures does MCP support?

Currently Intel x86/x64 processors are supported in our Mirantis reference architecture.

Is the cluster persistent or removed when we closed Kubernetes in the demo?

It's persistent. The Kubernetes cluster out there will stay there forever until I delete it.

Can you please give me the latest MCP OpenStack deployment end to end guide?

You can download the MCP Deployment Guide here.

Is K8s part of the MCP platform or it is deployed over MCP?

Mirantis Cloud Platform is actually deployed separately. It's a set of virtual machines, the Salt masters, the MaaS service is all virtualized on the control plane nodes of your environment. It sits right alongside your Kubernetes masters, and then your minions are bare metal services running external to that. That allows us to do all the high availability and monitoring at a very close level to the infrastructure itself. K8S is not part of MCP, but rather deployed, managed, and maintained by MCP

Do you support or have any experience with OracleDB in Kubernetes?

Oracle Containers can run on top of an MCP deployed Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, you can run an Oracle DB in a Virtual Machine as a Pod using Virtlet.

What are your views on Istio?

I'm glad you asked that! I think that Istio is probably the current winner in that environment, although there are a ton of new ones coming out there, like Kong and other commercial offerings that are very competitive. See my recent blog, "Spinnaker Shpinnaker and Istio Shmistio to make a shmesh!"

Since it's an application oriented thing, you build it into the Kubernetes framework. We provide Istio as one of the additional components in addition to Virtlet and some of the others. I mentioned Kong and several of the other possibilities for service meshing. Those would be licensable, and we would have to incorporate them as custom, since it would be your license not ours that would run it. Everything we provide to you is open source. We never restricted anything to something that needs to be licensed by a third party. That's why we use Istio. We have implemented it so that it works inside of application services like Spinnaker.

Does Mirantis has any video recording of installation of MCP?

We do for the MCP Edge virtual appliance. Watch the video here.

Can we also use NUMA topology for Kubernetes deployment?

Mirantis is working directly with Google on this project.

Our next Live Demo will be on running a Kubernetes multi-node cluster with kubeadm-dind-cluster. Sign up for upcoming demos or webinars here.

Bruce Mathews

Bruce Mathews is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Mirantis.

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