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Mirantis Unlocked - The Power of the OpenStack Ecosystem

John Jainschigg - May 20, 2015

As noted in this week's release Mirantis has announced Mirantis Unlocked, a unique program for enabling partners, testing and certifying their solutions. The Unlocked program builds on Mirantis' long experience with transparent, collaborative process and community contribution — partners will find participation simple and collaborative, with a short timeline to market. Customers, meanwhile, can count on Mirantis and Unlocked partners to offer them great freedom of choice, along with confidence that solutions and integrations are robust, and expertly supported.

Mirantis Unlocked: In the News

  • Summit coverage of Unlocked has started breaking, this week, with an interview by VMware's VMblog with Mirantis Director of Partner Marketing, Kamesh Pemmaraju. Kamesh explains why Unlocked is different from run-of-the-mill technology partner programs, and why customers should care.

  • Intel IT Center's YouTube channel just posted this video, featuring more on Mirantis Unlocked.

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