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for Modern Apps

Deliver great software fast — get guaranteed results — with frameworks, workflows, automation, and proactive support

Time to read: 17 minutes

2. Developers can be heroes

You need to make developers’ jobs easier - help them contend with complexity and be more effective. You already have a Kubernetes. (If you don’t, we can help you out with that, too.) But you still need everything else.

You need tools, frameworks, automation, and services to:

Move changes from “just push your code” downstream into built, scanned, tested, validated and approved components, then lifecycle manage them on your Kubernetes as automatically as possible. Think of this as “the DevOps part.”

A fully-mature set of best-practices-directed tooling, integrated applications, APIs, and engineering/operations playbooks for helping applications secure themselves, enable application-layer observability, performance measurement, resiliency, self-scaling, disaster recovery, and so on. Think of this as “the SRE part.”

Even if you already have a solid Kubernetes implementation, the work doesn’t stop there. You need extensions, mods, and tweaks to harden your cluster(s), provide platform- and infrastructure-aware services in forms that applications can consume, and standardize access control, security, and other disciplines and domains. Think of this as “the platform engineering part.”

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That’s what Mirantis provides: integrated products, expertise, and services that solve the whole stack of challenges modern software engineering organizations face. We do the DevOps part, the SRE part, and the platform engineering part.

Why services? Because none of what’s described above is a “one and done” proposition. Your needs are diverse and specific to you, and will grow and change (usually rapidly) with time. Those needs can’t be fully met by providing fixed solutions: this leaves you with the science project of integration and configuration, and the grind of maintenance. Nor can they be adequately met by a sequence of classic, short-term consulting engagements, interspersed with periods of “DIY with some email support.”

Trying to revolutionize software delivery for your organization in these legacy ways basically guarantees either outright failure, or perpetually sub-par ROI and productivity. Partial test coverage. Fragile pipelines. Slow release cadences. Too many manual steps in deploys and updates. No cost analytics or optimization. Leaving security holes open and incurring megadollar risks. Outages. Downtime. You probably already know what this feels like: why repeat the same mistakes?

What you need is a long-term commitment from a partner capable of providing, validating, and adapting this vast, integrated toolkit to your needs (including hosting components of it, should you need that), then operating, maintaining, and evolving it to remain fully in touch with those needs over time. Your partner should also be prepared to provide point-services to overcome your biggest—and usually most boring—challenges (hint: modernizing legacy apps).

That’s how you avoid failure, reach ROI quickly, and refocus on developing apps and helping your business win: “just push your code.”


Finding a Partner

Finding a partner to help with this is a tall order. The ideal partner has:

Proven expertise in every aspect of Kubernetes, software development, and application operations.

A broad, fully-mature set of contemporary, open source-based software solutions and best-practices playbooks that solve for all the common challenges individual developers and DevOps teams face in building and operationalizing containerized apps on Kubernetes substrates.

A global bench of support experts, able to monitor, maintain, and as needed, host components of your development and operations pipeline (or host your apps in an environment that lets you “just push your code.”)

Plus: professional services tuned to help you meet point-challenges on your road to transformation. Do you really want to containerize all those websites by yourself?

BOTTOM LINE: You need a partner that sees modern software development as a fully built-out, top-down proposition, that starts with telling developers: “just push your code.”

Next steps

The next step is to learn more about products and services for revolutionizing modern software development at your organization: empowering developers to do their best work – helping you gain maximum ROI, future-proof your development roadmap, and give developers and DevOps what they need to help your business win.