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for Modern Apps

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4. Getting Ahead of the Curve

Once developers are pushing code and innovating, professional services and training can help you climb learning curves and overcome challenges still in the path of digital transformation

Now your developers can “just push their code” and have tools and a path forward to optimal use of Kubernetes infrastructure. But if you’re like most development organizations, you still have several big problems:

Bringing along legacy applications - When organizations first make the switch to Kubernetes, they generally leave whole generations of legacy conventional applications behind. As Kubernetes proves its economy, however, pressure begins mounting to scale out the platform and its adjuncts, and modernize these apps: refactoring them into cloud-native forms and operating them on Kubernetes, as well. But how do you manage this without stalling delivery of new products?

Improving proficiency - Even in a “just push your code” environment, developers and DevOps have loads of opportunity to add value, and no amount of understanding of fundamental technologies like containers, Kubernetes, and/or modern application engineering is wasted. How do you help them?

VIDEO: Navigating the Complexity of K8s & Cloud Native Technologies

Mirantis Professional Services

Mirantis Professional Services provides a broad menu of options for getting big and complicated software engineering and cloud jobs done. Our comprehensive application modernization service, for example, uses a mature, best-practices framework, plus AI-based methods for interrogating and mapping app structure and dependencies. Combined, our techniques enable on the order of 6x greater delivery speed than conventional methods – up to hundreds of important applications converted to modern, cloud native, scalable, easier to operate forms in a matter of months.

Mirantis Training

Cloud operations, cloud native application modernization, and Greenfield app creation are complex and critical. Mirantis Training can provide operations and software development teams with skills and certifications needed to enable confident, productive, and rapid work with your new private cloud platform and its technologies.

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While we can provide focused training options and technology-specific certification preparation and examination services, Mirantis Training courses emerge from a single, modern vision of interdependent cloud roles: job functions that interoperate to make up a functional cloud team. These include roles like Infrastructure (IaaS) engineer, Security Specialist, DevOps Engineer, Kubernetes Admin, and Kubernetes Developer. This common vision helps ensure that, once trained, teams have not just mastered new skills, but also understand how their duties fit together, and how their productive outputs are consumed and put to work by their peers. For example, DevOps engineers produce automation consumed by operators and developers.

Mirantis Training courses are available via public classes, privately on your premises, and in on-demand formats, online.